Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 We Will Never Forget

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

An easy question to ask ... with a hard response to write. Each time I think about that day ... tears immediately come to my eyes. I know that it's been six years ... and I can only think about those poor families that have had to grow up with out wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, children, grandparents ... etc.

I am also proud that my country stood up like it did ... helped like it did ... and recovered like it has ...

Where was I?

I was in my junior year of high school, and my Spanish two teacher had asked me to go down to the Theatre department to bring something to one of the teachers. Once I made it there, one of my friends from Theatre was sitting in the hallway with a small hand radio. I asked her what was going on and what she was listening to and she's the one that told me that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Centers. I made it back to my Spanish class and told my teacher what was going on and the first thing that she said to me was "I hope that you are joking ..." She then figured out how to get the tv on a news station and for the rest of the class we watched the news to see what was going on. Not a lot of people knew yet and so after classes let out and we went on to our other classes the news slowly started spreading from the group of people that had been watching the news. Our group of friends (the Theatre group) were really really nervous because a lot of the seniors from the years before had moved off to New York. We weren't sure where they were ... or how we could get a hold of them and we were all really scared. Eventually, a girl came into our Chem class to say that they had heard from most of the people from New York and that they were doing okay. Later we found out another one of our friends was at a University in New York that was very close to the World Trade Center and had seen it all happen ... she was even one of the ones that started walking across the bridge.

I don't think that any of us will ever forget today ... I know that I won't and I know that I will always remember exactly where I was and exactly what I was doing. I don't believe that we shouldn't continue rehashing the things that happened to our Country on 9/11 ... I think that if any one ever forgets what happened ... THAT is when the terrorists win ... or THAT is when we give in to the terrorists.

I'll never forget ...


Little Miss Marketing said...

Thanks for sharing this. I, too, can remember vividly where I was and what happened that entire day. I also remember going to rehearsal for A Piece of My Heart that afternoon, and sharing with Mrs. Doss and all of our theatre family.
When one person dies, it ripples and affects so many people- family, friends, strangers, etc. But today I was scrolling through a list of almost THREE THOUSAND people who died that day- I can't imagine how many people have been immediately affected by those deaths. It's so incomprehendable, and devastating.

I love you

blah said...

Ugh … that was a hard day …

I remember … I was just getting out of Mrs. West’s BCIS class I had for first period when we heard. Then I went to Spanish and Coach Lopez didn’t even teach that day. We just sat there and watched TV … he let us use our cell phones in class to talk to our parents, call people we knew and needed to talk to, or God forbid, try to get a hold of people we knew in NY.

It was one of the longest days of my entire life, and like you, I will NEVER forget it …

*Days like today make you really remember that life is a gift, not a right … and you should never take it, or your loved ones for granted. Love ya!

Winnie said...

I was getting ready for work..it was on the news here..west coast of Canada...No we won't and shouldn't forget

Chris said...

I was on my way to work when the local announcer said that a plane hit the a WTC tower. I was thinking it was a small plane, but when I got to work a second plane had hit and we knew it was no accident. I was shocked to discover that they were big planes, not small planes. No one did any work that day. Everyone just gathered around the TVs. We were in shock when the towers collapsed.